Are you ready for a cosmic reality check?

Are you ready for a cosmic reality check?

Neptune will be in a backspin through Pisces as it stations retrograde from the 2ndof July until the 7th of December – and whilst this means the rose-tinted glasses are likely to fall off big-time, it also offers a practical chance to Get Real and reassess your dreams.

The question to ask yourself is:

What illusions or fantasies have I been holding onto that no longer serve me? And how am I going to commit to giving shape to the dreams I truly believe in?

If you’ve spent the last couple of months frantically swimming against the tide or have a sneaking suspicion that you’ve been idealising a situation or cradling a fantastical aspiration which might be just that – a fantasy – then Neptune’s retrograde motion is here to tell you it’s okay not to attempt to ‘have it all’. Letting go of some dreams is not failure. In fact, refining and streamlining your options can be incredibly positive. But first, you need to be honest with yourself about what can stay in your cup and what needs to be released back into the vast ocean of possibility.

A retrograde motion is when a planet appears to be moving backwards because the Earth’s orbit around the Sun ‘overtakes’ that of the planet in question. Imagine two runners racing around a circular track. When the faster runner overtakes the slower runner, the slower athlete seems to move backward relative to the faster one. It’s an optical illusion, and this also occurs in the cosmos.

In terms of astrology, this can be a profound time for deep inner-work. When planets are retrograde, not only do we believe that the themes they rule go ‘topsy-turvy’ (the best example being Mercury, which rules transport, communication and technology) but it offers a unique chance for introspection.

Neptune is the planet of dreams, illusion and fantasy. It connects us to our creativity, our intuition and the subconscious realms. It is the modern ruler of Pisces, the zodiac sign that is represented by two sleek, slippery fish that swim in opposite directions and refuse to follow one straight course. When Neptune is moving in its direct orbit then it brings an ethereal, fluid energy to the other planets it interacts with. It is known as the Great Dissolver and is linked to areas of life where we lack boundaries. For that reason, it is also associated with delusion, confusion and escapism.

However, when Neptune stations retrograde then these themes are inverted. Rather than allow us to continue in a haze of idealism, we are nudged towards pragmatism and tangibility.

Neptune retrograde is whispering ‘these are the faint outlines of your dreams… now let’s grab your Sharpie, pick up your paints, and start adding some definition and colour to this sketch to make your canvas POP!’

You are being cosmically encouraged to ask yourself if your everyday actions and habits are currently lining up with your big dreams. If they’re not, then what’s going to change? Your actions… or your dreams?

  • Basically, over the next five months you’re being told to get real with yourself.
  • What do you really want in life?
  • Are you acting in a way that moves you towards this or are you remaining inert?

See this as your chance to radically reassess your current boundaries and systems so they support the life you want to manifest. What daily alterations can you make that will let the Universe know you’re ready to call this reality into being? By working with this cosmic flow and embracing the ‘inner work’ then not only will things become clearer in your own mind, but astrology suggests that you’ll also be provided with supportive synchronicities and messages that show you’re on the right track.

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Remember that Saturn is also retrograde in Pisces, which encourages us to redefine our boundaries, readdress our goals and recreate supportive structures for long-term success in our creative ambitions. If Saturn Retrograde is about pulling down the walls you’ve constructed in your life so you can rebuild them to better support your visions, Neptune Retrograde encourages you to add some magic to the architectural plans.

Neptune retrograde is all about giving shape to your vague dreams and firming up idealistic concepts… or letting them go.

This won’t always be comfortable. Separating fiction from reality can come as a shock or can bring disappointment. But when the rose-tinted glasses do fall of, find gratitude in the process of reassessing what you truly want to pour your energy into.

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Imagine this transit as if you’ve been moving through a kingdom permeated by a fine layer of mist, and now that mist is clearing. Things you’d previously seen as shimmery silhouettes are coming into sharp relief. Things are exposed – the beautifully impressive castle has cracks in the foundations or is not quite as welcoming as first thought; the mountain you were planning to climb reveals itself to be pretty unscalable and you might have to deal with this frustration. Remember, this can also apply to people, relationships and situations you find yourself in.

Where have you been avoiding reality? What inevitable truth are you being confronted with?

However, there are hugely positive elements to this retrograde. If you’ve been struggling to see a way forward or have been holding back on following a dream or throwing yourself into a situation you really desire, Neptune retrograde is revealing the first tentative steps you need to take to get there. The question is, will you take them?

Also remember that according to astrology, retrogrades are all about ‘repeat’ aka ‘second chance’ energy. A relationship may come back into your life, only this time there is less confusion about their intentions; a job opportunity might reappear but now you’ll have more clarity; a situation that was difficult to decide upon presents itself again and you have a moment of lucidity. Look out for renewed opportunities and trust your instinct!

This is the idea time to:

Reflect, meditate and reconnect to a spiritual practice.

Use this time to meditate regularly and reflect on your inner beliefs and feelings. This can help you uncover hidden truths and gain deeper insights into your subconscious mind.

Refine your dreams and aspirations.

Take the time to honestly re-evaluate your goals and dreams. Identify which ones are based on illusions or unrealistic expectations and realign them with your true purpose and values.

Reassess your boundaries.

Assess where you need to establish clearer boundaries in your life, whether it’s in relationships, work, or personal habits. Protecting your energy and setting limits can help you maintain balance and focus on your well-being.

Reconnect with your intuition.

Practice activities that enhance your intuition, such as journaling, creative arts, or spending time in nature. Trusting your inner guidance can lead to more authentic decision-making. The Cancer New Moon on the 5th of July will also help you do this.

There are the horoscopes for Neptune retrograde in Pisces

Read for your Sun sign and your Rising Sign if you know it.


When Neptune is retrograde in Pisces it can trigger a period of profound inner work and release of old karmic patterns. If you’ve avoided ‘doing the work’ or have shied away from addressing a wound, then the next few months bring you the courage and determination to focus on deep healing.

This is a time when your dreams are even more vivid, and you have a heightened intuition. Make the most of this by reconnecting with any spiritual practices that bring you clarity, such as free-writing, crystal divination, tarot cards, or simply a morning meditation practice. Allowing yourself to indulge your ‘woo-woo’ side over the next few months may help guide you to greater spiritual understanding and emotional liberation.

Remember that hidden fears and unresolved subconscious patterns may resurface, so be gentle with yourself. It’s also a period when it will become obvious where your boundaries have blurred regarding how much energy you give to others. Setting your limits isn’t selfish – its necessary.


Neptune retrograde highlights your friendships, social networks, and your sense of community. It’s an important time to re-evaluate your connections, and this period encourages you to discern genuine friendships from superficial ones to align your social interactions with your true values and aspirations.

Who out of your friendship group doesn’t share your visions? Is someone taking far more than they give, or bringing toxic energy into your life? In this case, it’s time to create stronger boundaries. If someone in your close network has been trying to manipulate or take advantage of you, this is likely to come to light.

Look out for any opportunities that reappear which allow you to join a group which makes you feel seen and supported in your aspirations and remember that old friendships or past social issues might reappear.

This transit is also highlights your long-term goals, meaning pipe dream are ready to be firmed up. Decide what are you going to focus on and what needs to be released down the plughole. Get clear about how you want your future to really look, and you have the potential to make some impressive headway towards your ultimate goals.


Neptune’s retrograde through Pisces puts the spotlight on your professional aspirations and public image, as well as your life goals. If there was ever a period to get clear on your ambitions, then this is it, Gemini!

Any illusions about your career or public persona may be revealed, prompting you to realign with your true purpose and present a more authentic version of yourself to the world. You may get a reality check about your current role or have to assert your boundaries in order to make sure people aren’t taking advantage of you in a professional capacity. If a career opportunity seems too good to be true, then ensure you read the small print. Equally, this is the exact time where it’s positive to lay the foundation stones for a career that truly aligns with your dreams and purpose. Where have you been coasting in terms of your ambitions?

Your ultimate aim during this transit is to allow yourself to imagine beyond the limitations of what you assumed your career trajectory could be. Be aware that previous career goals or public image issues could resurface, so be discerning with your choices.


This Neptune retrograde means your beliefs, higher learning and travel experiences come under review. You may question your spiritual or philosophical beliefs and seek greater clarity, as you seek to firm up where you place yourself in the world.

If you’ve been considering taking a trip, booking the holiday of your dreams, or investing in a retreat that allows you a deeper connection with yourself, then Neptune retrograde offers the ideal chance to do this. Where have you been called to immerse yourself in another culture? How will this help you gain clarity on your future ambitions?

This is also a period where you may decide to return to education to add another string to your bow. Look out for chances to learn, teach or acquire knowledge that feel aligned with your aspirations, especially if they ‘reappear’ as a second chance which you feel is too good to miss. This period encourages you to discern the truth from illusion in your quest for knowledge and expand your horizons with a more grounded and realistic perspective.


Neptune retrograde in Pisces brings a deep introspection about shared resources, intimacy, and transformation. This transit encourages you to confront and heal any hidden fears or unresolved issues which have hindered you from taking steps towards your ultimate dreams and ambitions.

Where do your shadows hold you back? What trauma is still having a deep impression on you? If this has felt nebulous or hazy recently then Neptune retrograde brings a sudden clarity to the areas of your past that you want to heal. It’s a superb period for delving into any therapeutic practices that resonate with you. Power struggles can also be a factor, and it may suddenly become obvious where someone has been manipulating you or trying to control a situation. In which case, this is a transit to set clear boundaries and empower yourself to break a pattern, habit or toxic connection. This period also brings business collaborations into the spotlight, and it’s a super time to firm up a professional relationship based on mutual trust.

In fact, Neptune retrograde can bring someone back into your life that offers a wonderful chance to collaborate and merge resources and skills. In relation to money, it’s a great time to think about paying off debts or cutting a tie with something or someone that has been draining you financially.


Neptune retrograde in Pisces highlights your relationships, bringing an awareness to any illusions or idealisations you have about your partner or close associates. This period prompts a re-evaluation of your expectations and boundaries in relationships, so reflect on your approach to cooperation and compromise. This is a wonderful time to revise your commitments with your partner, ensuring that you are mutually supporting one another.

If you’re in a Situationship then this transit is going to make it obvious what the real deal is here. Get clear on your own needs and boundaries to help this process along in a way that supports you.

If you’re single and looking to mingle then Neptune retrograde shows you where you’ve been idealising or avoiding the reality of dating. Yes, you’d love the perfect Meet-Cute as you both reach for an avocado in the grocery store, but modern day dating often requires a practical, plan-oriented approach. Embrace this!

Be aware that this is a classic period when ex-partners can reappear, or unresolved relationship dynamics resurface. Use the Neptune retrograde to break old patterns, move out of victim or saviour mode, and apply pragmatic, realistic thinking to the situation.


As Neptune stations retrograde in Pisces it highlights your daily routines, work, and health. Take time to reassess your approach to these areas so you can firm up your ultimate aspirations and take steps towards these goals and visions. Notice if you’ve been fostering unrealistic expectations or escapist tendencies. Neptune is also associated with alcohol, screens and avoidance, so be honest with yourself about your healthy habits when it comes to diet, screen time and regular exercise.

This isn’t a time to be overly-strict with yourself – it’s a chance to develop a more practical and balanced approach to your responsibilities, leading to improved well-being and productivity. It can also trigger the opportunity to gain closure on a health issue that may have been bugging you, or a situation arises where you have a choice – do you act in your ‘old way’ or do you feel empowered enough to stick with your new, healthy outlook?

If you’ve been hemming and hawing about starting a new fitness regime, then this is the ideal transit to do just this! Since this transit also relates to your work life, then a second opportunity to level-up in your job could appear. The question is, does it match with your ultimate aspirations?


When Neptune stations retrograde in Pisces it brings attention to the part of your chart associated with creativity, romance, and self-expression. This is a time to remove any illusions about what truly brings you happiness and fulfilment. Have you been prioritising your joy? Have you been living vicariously through someone else? Is it time to get clear and determined on the creative projects that light you up, or the places you feel your talents truly lie?

When you focus on adding structure to authentic self-expression then genuine connections can flourish as a result. The rose-tinted glasses may finally fall off regarding a romantic interest that seemed too good to be true (or wasn’t being entirely honest with you), but equally a love affair that’s been indefinable could finally firm up into something solid. The key is to get clear about your own needs and boundaries! Take some time to re-evaluate your needs and what you want from romance.

Incidentally, a former flame may resurface, or the opportunity to return to a hobby that brought you joy reappears. If you get a second chance at promoting yourself, putting yourself in the spotlight or showcasing your talents, then be sure to grab it!


Neptune retrograde in Pisces turns your attention to your home life, including your family, domestic commitments and approach to self-care. Is it time to restructure your living environment and domestic responsibilities to create a more harmonious space for growth and happiness? Have you been expending a lot of energy on nurturing others and now it’s time to create some boundaries that also prioritise your needs?

During this transit you may also uncover hidden dynamics or past issues within your family that need resolution. This transit can help you understand your roots and emotional security on a deeper level, encouraging healing and creating a more stable and nurturing home environment.

A family issue that wasn’t resolved may reappear, there could be the chance for a family reunion, or you may finally get the chance to redesign, redecorate or refurbish your home. This is also a classic ‘moving house’ period!


This Neptune retrograde brings communication into sharp relief. Misunderstandings and illusions in your interactions may become more apparent. If there’s been a vague email chain, an ongoing conversation that’s been ambiguous, or quarrels with siblings, then Neptune retrograde helps you create the boundaries to find clarity.

This period also encourages you to clarify your own thoughts so you can improve communication. Where have you been skirting a subject? Have you been waiting to say, write or express something that you’ve been avoiding? This transit will also provide a chance to reassess your thought patterns. What negative thoughts and limiting beliefs constantly pull you back from following your dreams? How can you use this retrograde period to challenge yourself to master them?

Look out for the resurrection of a conversation that wasn’t given proper closure, or communication that was confusing the first time around. This is a chance to set things straight.


When Neptune is retrograde in Pisces, it brings attention to the concept of ‘value’. This means both material possessions and financial value, but also the way you value yourself. Where have you been burying your head in the sand? Illusions about money may dissolve and you are prompted to reassess how you manage your resources. Perhaps this includes budgeting, changing your attitude to spending, or reconsidering how much you charge for services.

If you’ve been considering asking for a raise or increasing your prices this transit can help you create the necessary boundaries to do this. This is also a crucial time to consider where you are overly critical and judge yourself. What therapeutic practices – such as affirmations, journaling and open communication – can you put in place to boost your self-esteem?

Look out for the reappearance of an opportunity to increase your earning power. Perhaps you didn’t take it last time because you didn’t believe in yourself enough. Now it’s time to change that attitude.


Neptune retrograde in your own sign might feel like a bit of a reckoning, Pisces, but this can be an incredibly empowering transit for getting to grips with the ‘self’ that you show up as in the world.

Use the next few months for some true soul searching and self-reflection. Don’t be afraid to re-evaluate your identity. If this means stripping away illusions about yourself regarding how you’ve been ‘showing up for others’ at the detriment to your own dreams, then now is the period where stronger boundaries are enforced to bring it home to you.

This transit can help you gain clarity about your true nature and motivations, leading to a more authentic expression of who you are. Over the next few months, a situation may reappear that encourages you to act in a completely different way than your ‘old’ self might have done, so get clear about your aspirations so you can stay true to yourself.

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Bex Milford is a professional astrologer who spends half the year living on a sun-soaked tropical beach in Goa, and the other half exploring European cities. She’s a firm believer that Where Attention Goes, Energy Flows and her approach to self-developmental astrology aims to help women connect with their true source of power and purpose. When she’s not analysing the stars you can find her penning her debut novel from a sunny cafe, three iced coffees down, ready to dance off excess energy to EDM and deep-house. Find out more about her astrology offerings at


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