Dear Doctor: What do long-term, large studies show about the use of statins for women’s health?

Dear Doctor: What do long-term, large studies show about the use of statins for women’s health?

DEAR DR. ROACH: I was looking for long-term large studies on statins that are focused on women’s health. There seems to be information but not as it relates to women. Can you suggest a reliable source of information? — H.N.

ANSWER: There remains controversy in the scientific community about the benefit of statins in women. Women have been less studied than men, and because women have less heart disease on average than men of the same age, it has been harder to prove a benefit in women.

However, in my opinion, the data are now clear that women who are at an increased risk for heart disease do benefit from statin therapy. A very thorough study conducted by researchers at the University of Oxford and the University of Sydney reviewed 27 clinical trials that included nearly 50,000 women. It showed that although women are at a lower absolute risk for heart disease than men of the same age, women got the same reduction in heart disease risk that men do when comparing men and women at the same level of risk.

The researchers also estimated that while there are harms from statins (such as muscle aches and an increase in blood sugar levels), the benefits greatly outweigh the risks when the drugs are appropriately given to higher-risk women. Links to the study and to additional resources on heart disease in women are posted on my page at


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